Ssangyong Musso

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Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D met een Tabbert

De ervaring van Castelijns met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D (99 pk/73, Kw bouwperiode: 1995 - 1998) en een Tabbert DaVinci 585 DM van 1685 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

Mijn ervaring is; gaat over het algemeen vrij goed !!
maar bij de 80km op de snelweg met stevige tegewind wordt het zwaar !!

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Engelstalige reviews

Reviews geplaatst op van de Ssangyong Musso.
De gewichtsverhouding in Engeland wordt berekend volgens de British Towing Code (loaded weight caravan / kerbweight car).

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD met een Sterling

De ervaring van victor met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Sterling Elite Searcher van 1804 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

have towed up hill and down dale with the musso without any problems, with a few modifications and at no cost mussos can give an easy 140+bhp and will pull harder from lower rpm. just by turning a couple of screws on the fuel pump and blocking the erg valve. This car will also run without modification on cooking oil used or you can see I am a Musso fan.on the downside its a bit bouncy and loud on the motorway and ugly buy a good one and it will go on for years........

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD aut. met een Lunar

De ervaring van Stuart Tingay met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD aut. (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Lunar Lexon EW van 1520 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

I had a Musso 2.9 towed ok but a bit underpowered for hills, I now have a 2.9TD Daewoo model, this pulls the caravan no problem and up hills. I get about 26mpg when towing and 38mpg!! normal driving. Got all the bells and whistles as standard. Well pleased with the car, recommend to anyone.

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD met een Avondale

De ervaring van Colin met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Avondale Land-Ranger 6400 van 1690 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

I have owned my Musso now for over 6 years, in that time I have coverd over 70k miles with no problems at all, I tow a landranger 6400 ebl and my wife dosent know travelling light, Hill starts used to be a bit of a worry thinking will it or wont it, but give it a foot full just befor starting to let the clutch out and its away.
consumption if you keep around 56 mph and run with the truckers you can expect 27 mpg boot it and try to out run the truckers and it drops off a lot, most hills and long inclines can have you dropping down the box if you let the revs get too low keep it at around 2200 and you should be fine.
We do a lot of rallying up a down the country some rally fields can be very soft or muddy but this is part and parcel, the Musso can be switched on the fly to four wheel drive and as long as you let the traction control do its thing you can cross most fields with confidence,I am so satisfied with my Musso that it will be with me for many years to come

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD met een Hobby

De ervaring van jimster met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Hobby Exclusive 650 KMFe van 1735 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

i want to ask is a hobby 650 too wide to be towed by daewoo musso, The reason why i need this information is cos ive been told it is illegal can anyone tell me

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D met een Abbey

De ervaring van victor met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D (99 pk/73 Kw, bouwperiode: 1995-1998) en een Abbey GTS Vogue 516 van 1445 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

Fine on the motorway had to use 4th gear at times but went along ok at 60ish ok, pulls well on the flat , slow on hills you have to keep the revs up well in advance of the hills, it will pull you up anything but not very fast. not bad on fuel if you just plod along, have a look at the owners club site for advice on how to increase the power output with a few tweeks at no cost. ( I am very happy with my musso after spending half an hour under the bonnet, much improved pulls much better in 5th little need to drop down the box now with no loss of fuel economy I rate this truck very highly.)

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D met een Sterling

De ervaring van Gary met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D (99 pk/73 Kw, bouwperiode: 1995-1998) en een Sterling Europa 460 van 1295 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

Great tow car, very stable and has the power to deal with most situations. I have towed all round Europe with it over the last ten years. The Temperature gauge never goes above normal even in 42 Deg heat. The lack of power is only a problem when overtaking, especially with an auto like mine, however if you get the right gear it has plenty of grunt. Overall a great towing car for the money at the moment they are as cheap as chips, but keep it quite they will all want one.

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD met een Bailey

De ervaring van kirk met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Bailey Pageant S6 Bretagne van 1395 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

the musso pulls my bailey with no problems at all its not the quickest of 4x4's but as taken everything in its stride,did have a landrover freelander before this but the musso is a more relaxed and nicer car to be in with van on back and its alot cheaper to buy but alot more car for your money

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD met een Bessacarr

De ervaring van Bill Crawford met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 TD (120 pk/88 Kw, bouwperiode: 1997-2005) en een Bessacarr Cameo 645 van 1769 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

the Musso fully laden is just on the cusp of being underweight,but never the less pulls the Bessie just fine.the only areas for concern are when large trucks overtake and for a second or two the bow wave affects the handling but the Musso soon pulls straight again withpout any need for steering adjustment.On hill starts the Musso's handbrake is notoriously dodgy but with a bit of deft footwork on the pedals the Musso has pulled the Bessie from a standing start on the steepest of hills without too much trauma.A steady 2000rpm will produce an impressive mpg considering the combined weight of the combination but stick your toe down and watch the fuel gauge drop visibly by the mile.
I lam impressed with the Musso it's definitely a poor mans Merc 4x4 but the 5 cylinder made under licence from Mercedes engine is bomb proof if you service it regularly, and it has everything you could wish for in a robust towing machine If the rear seats are folded the rear stowage space is cavernous and the Bessie is a luxury flatlette on wheels I would recomend both to any caravanner.

Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D met een Lunar

De ervaring van Stuart met een Ssangyong Musso 2.9 D (99 pk/73 Kw, bouwperiode: 1995-1998) en een Lunar Lexon EW van 1470 kg geplaatst op 30-01-2009:

My Musso pulls very well, it is more a workhorse than pulling the van at speed. I get about 30mpg which is a good return, not having the turbo gives good mpg BUT you do miss the extra boost. On saying that as fuel price's keep going I'll live without the boost. Recommend Musso if you want good mpg and a workhorse.



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